Seniors Active Living Centres Act, 2017
The purpose of this Act is to establish rules and regulations for Seniors Active Living Centres.
Seniors Active Living Centres offer social, cultural, learning, and recreational programs for older adults that promote health, well-being, and social connection. There are over 300 Seniors Active Living Centre programs across Ontario.
Recent Developments
March 2024: Province Proposed Changes to Prescribed Entities
Before March 2024, municipalities were the only eligible operators of Seniors Active Living Centres. In March 2024, the Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility introduced a regulatory amendment that, if passed, would allow not-for-profit corporations, registered charities, Indigenous governing bodies and organizations, and Local Service Boards to operate Seniors Active Living Centres.​
PRO’s Response:
PRO submitted a policy response, expressing support for the regulatory amendment. The amendment increases recreation opportunities for older adults, especially those from underserved populations and communities.
The new regulation was approved and is effective as of June 1, 2024.