New Regulations for Pools, Spas & Recreational Camps 

Important information for aquatic professionals in Ontario effective July 1, 2018.


The Health Promotion and Protection Act (HPPA) specifies the organization and delivery of public health in Ontario. There are several regulations under the HPPA, including a set of regulations that apply to the operation of public pools, spas and recreational camps. In 2015, the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC) began a review to inform the modernization of regulations made under the HPPA. The government sought stakeholder input on the modernization, which included meetings and public consultations.

New Regulations

As of July 1, 2018, new regulations governing the operation of pools, spas and recreational camps will come into effect.


There are many significant changes to the regulations including certifications, requirements for safety and maintenance. Pool, spa and camp operators should review the new regulations. PRO is preparing more resources to help organizations prepare for the changes. 

New Guidance Documents Available from the Ministry

The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care is supporting the implementation of the modernized regulations with on-going communication and provision of resource materials. They have released a recreational water and a camps Q&A documents to help address common questions received from public health units and providers. The objective of the documents is to enhance the consistent application of the Public Pools Regulation and Recreational Camp Regulation while respecting that application of outcomes based regulations are often site/situation specific.

Download the documents here:
Questions and Answers: O. Reg. 565 (Public Pools)
Questions and Answers: O. Reg. 503/17 (Recreational Camps) and O. Reg. 502/17 (Camps in Unorganized Territory)

Here are the links to the new regulations and overview of some of the changes:

Public Pools O. Reg. 565
This regulation now includes pools and spas (i.e. O. Reg. 428/05 will be revoked as of July 1, 2018). There are significant changes to most aspects of the regulation and in its current printed form, those changes are highlighted. 


Recreational Camps O. Reg. 503/17This is a new regulation that will replace O. Reg. 568 as of July 1, 2018. There are new requirements for training and supervision. 

Key Information

  • •     The new regulations will come into effect on July 1, 2018, meaning all organizations must comply with the regulations at that point. There is no additional transition time.
  • •     PRO is expecting additional regulations for splash pads, spray pads and wading pools which will be included in O. Reg, 565.
  • •     Some of the regulations are not definitive or completely clear. PRO and other stakeholders are seeking clarification.
    •     PRO will be publishing more information and analysis as it becomes available.